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At Valley Wound Care Specialists, we believe that knowledge and understanding different types of wounds is central to being an informed patient. Rest assured, if you have a wound or a question regarding wounds, we are here for you.

Our practice is dedicated to effectively heal all wounds from your head to toe.
Most common wounds that we specialize in treating
ARTERIAL ULCERSArterial insufficiency ulcers, Ischemic ulcers, Ischemic wounds are common wounds located on the lateral surface of the ankle or side of the foot caused by poor perfusion to the lower extremities.
BURNSFirst, second and third degree burns caused by any source- heat, chemicals, or electricity that damages the body’s tissues.
CHRONIC WOUNDSAny wound that does not heal in a predictable pattern, way or within the normal amount of time. Depending on the type of wound typical healing patterns follow certain healing timeframes. Wounds that heal outside of these timeframes are classified as chronic and/or non-haling wounds.
DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS (DVT)Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms most often in the leg in the deep veins. Symptoms include swelling, warmth, redness, and pain in the leg. This condition can lead to difficult to heal wounds.
DERMAL LESIONSDermal Lesions are skin growths on top of your skin.
DIABETIC ULCERSDiabetic Ulcers are open skin wounds associated with diabetes.
FOOT WOUNDSAny and all open sores or lesions on your feet.
GANGRENEGangrene is when blood flow to a certain area of the body is cut off. It is a serious condition that causes the tissue to breakdown and die.
INFECTED WOUNDSAn infected wound is any wound that contains bacteria or other micro-organisms causing delays in healing.
ISCHEMIC WOUNDSIschemic wounds are blood flow related wounds.
LIMB SALVAGEAs an alternative to amputation, we treat and help save what we can to preserve your limb with aggressive therapies.
MOISTURE-ASSOCIATED SKIN DAMAGEMoisture-associated skin damage (MASD) is a wound caused by prolonged exposure to various sources of moisture including but not limited to perspiration, wound exudate, urine, stool, mucus, and saliva.
NECROTIC WOUNDSNecrotic wounds are wounds that have dead tissue.
NON-HEALING WOUNDSAll wounds that are difficult to heal and do not progress the way a typical wound should are classified as non-healing.
OSTEOMYELITISWounds resulting in the bone being exposed and leading to infection in the bone.
PRESSURE ULCERSPressure sores are areas of damaged skin caused by staying in one position for too long. We treat all stages of pressure ulcers.
PYODERMA GANGRENOSUMPyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is an inflammatory skin disorder that is characterized by small, red bumps or blisters that, over time, erode the skin to produce swollen open sores.
RADIATION DERMATITISA skin condition that is caused from large external doses of radiation.
RADIATION SKIN INJURIESAlso called radiodermatitis, this condition is caused by prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation.
SKIN CANCERSUsually caused by sun exposure, we treat most types of skin cancer including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
SKIN GRAFT DONOR SITESSkin Graft Donor sites are wounds created by harvesting skin for skin grafting.
SKIN LACERATIONCuts, tears, and breaks in the skin in various depths.
SOFT TISSUE & BONE INFECTIONSSkin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs), which include infections of skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia, and muscle and have clinical presentations ranging from simple inflammation to necrotizing fasciitis.
SURGICAL WOUNDSSurgical wounds are wounds from prior surgeries that have opened up or not healed.
TRAUMATIC INJURIESA Traumatic injury refers to physical injuries with a sudden onset. These injuries can range from lacerations, hematomas, to open wounds.
TUNNELING WOUNDSA tunneling wound is any wound that channels or tunnels from the wound through surrounding muscle or subcutaneous tissue.
VASCULITIS (RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, LUPUS/SLE)Vasculitis is the inflammation of blood vessels that can lead to wounds.
VENOUS STASIS ULCERA venous stasis ulcer is caused by the drainage of fluid as a result of poor venous circulation. These ulcers occur in the lower legs, between the knee and the ankle.
WORK-RELATED INJURIES (WORKMAN'S COMP INJURIES)We treat any work related wounds.
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